How to Resolve Conflict in the Workplace
This paper will explore the complex topic of how to identify, approach and solve generational conflict in the workplace. It is important for nurse managers to be able to identify generational conflicts occurring among staff. Key strategies within the process model are recommended to be utilized by the nurse manager when addressing generational conflicts at the workplace. There are four main generations focused on within this paper, showing the fundamental differences between all generations and reinforcing the importance of conflict resolution.
How to Resolve Conflict in the Workplace What is conflict resolution? How does one in a managerial nursing position identify generational conflict among their staff? How does one appropriately apply the process model to solve disputes that occur in the workplace? Many questions may cross one’s mind when deciding how to confront and resolve conflicts among nursing staff. In order to being the process of rectifying intrapersonal staff conflicts, one may begin the process of answering the questions asked above. Conflict is defined by Hibberd and Smith (2006) “... as a process which begins when a person perceives that someone has negatively affected or is about to negatively affect something he or she cares about” (p. 650). Hibberd and Smith (2006) defines conflict resolution “... [as] ways in which people, groups, or institutions deal with social conflict” (p. 650). People frequently have preconceived notions in regards to confronting and dealing with conflict, thinking that nothing constructive or good will come from it, however according to Vivar (2006) “ behavioral scientists have studied and concluded that not all conflict is destructive and that a certain degree of conflict is essential [in life]” (p. 201). As human beings no two individuals were raised with the same values, morals and upbringing, making conflict unavoidable.
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