Finding a suitable job after graduating from university is always the desire of most young people. That can be quite easy at one period but sometimes it can also be very difficult at another time, especially during the economic crisis time as today. In spite of those various circumstances, fresh-graduates may get the job you wish if you have careful preparation for an interview beside your impressive curriculumn vitae. At first, though it sounds a little bit serious and strange with young people, to succeed in a job interview is not so difficult if you know how to do it. There are many steps that a job seeker can put into practice, including two periods: before and during the interview.
The first step is before the interview. This one includes two small group steps: at home and at the office. Firstly, at home, after getting the interview appointment, you should collect some basic information about the company background as well as the requirements of the job you applied for. If you have an overall knowledge, you will be more confident in front of the interviewers. Later, you need to prepare necessary documents. These can be a copy of your CV, identification card, qualifications and any other documents you are likely to be requested. After that, you should select your outfit carefully. Normally, you are suggested to wear formal suits for both men and women. In particular, for men, there is no long and coloring hair. For women, you should appear with light make-up face and tidy hair. Generally, men and women need to make your appearance as professional as possible. Next, it is essential to confirm the date, time and location of the venue, research your travel arrangements and aim to arrive no more than 20 minutes early. Make sure that you have a contact phone number just in case you are delayed and need to call them. In addition, make sure you know or hand the name of the person you are meeting so that you can tell the reception