Multiple Choice
T Essay Questions
1. How do you think having good human relation skills and knowledge might add to your job security in a competitive workplace?
In a competitive workplace, having god human relations skills can make you stand out in a good way. Being able to demonstrate a competent understanding of how people work together is going to be the first step. Someone can do this by showing they have a desire to understand their coworkers; this includes their needs, abilities, and their short comings. When you care about more than just your paycheck, but rather, you care about the job you do and the people you do it with, the quality of work you do is better. It shows that you care if the company succeeds.
Someone who lacks good human relations skills will not have the same organizational skills as there more skilled counterparts. They are only there to get their paycheck and go home, this shows in the work they do and the way they relate to coworkers. If they do not develop better human relations skills they will not last long in a competitive work place.
2. Visualize yourself applying for your dream job, and because you want the job so badly you do not feel highly self-confident. What steps can you take to appear self-confident?
When I go for an interview, even if I know I am qualified and the best person for the job, I practice the things I will say the night before. I make sure that I am dressed in a professional manner; it doesn’t matter if the job doesn’t require dressing professionally. This shows my interviewers I am serious about the job and I respect them. Dressing professionally also makes me feel more self-confident. Knowing I look the part of a professional makes me feel like I already fit into the position. Other things that help make me appear self-confident are eye contact and body language. Making eye contact more than I normally would shows the interviewer that I am being honest and that I am not meek, shy, or afraid of the answers I am giving. My body language needs to be open and not nervous, this means don’t slouch, don’t fidget. It also means sit up straight, and allow my voice to easily be hard with a confident and normal level of volume. By doing these things I know I will appear more self-confident when interviewing for my dream job.
3. If it is really true that being hypnotized helps workers become more creative, explain whether managers should order workers to be hypnotized.
A manager shouldn’t order workers to be hypnotized even if it is proven to increase creativity in workers. I feel it is a violation of rights to require hypnosis, whether it is in the work place or anywhere else. Another reason managers shouldn’t require hypnosis is not everyone can be hypnotized, so in ordering everyone to be hypnotized there are people unable to comply. This would create a couple different kinds of problems. The first of which is people claiming they can’t so that they don’t have to be. The second being, what happens to the people who now have less creativity, do they get fired for underperformance?
If you refrain from tampering with the minds of employees you will see their strengths, point of views, and their own creativity (which cannot be duplicated) come out in the work they do. You cannot force someone into having their mind manipulated because you think they will have better performance in the work place. It is a violation of the mind.
4. Give an example of self-defeating behavior engaged in by a professional athlete. What appear to be the negative consequences to that athlete’s career stemming from the self-defeating behavior?
Perfectionism, drug additions, and other expensive habits are all forms of self-defeating behaviors that you might find in athletes. I think the one that appears the most innocent, and therefore is less thought of as harmful is the perfectionism. When you criticize yourself so hard and work too long to make everything you do perfect you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Mediocre performances should not be something an athlete strives for, but they should not hold themselves up to a standard of perfection either.
Not being able to make a field goal, or free-throw, or penalty kick gives you a reason to work harder, but it is not reason enough to self-hate if you can’t achieve it. Your coaches and teammates are hard enough on you that as long as you are practicing an average amount of time ad applying yourself to reaching performance goals you should understand you will never achieve perfection, but that you can be great or even the best at something.