It was in my junior year statistics class where I was able to burst through that bubble. And that’s all because of Drew. Drew was a exceptionally odd boy who sat next to me who blatantly exhibited his unconventional interests and outlooks on life. He wore a squid hat on his head and carried a notebook filled with original zombie stories in it.
His behavior was the perfect reason for other kids to ridicule and tease. It seemed like not a day would go by without a joke being cracked at his expense. It was obvious to me that this wasn’t okay, even in high …show more content…
school. I would always try to ask him about his weekend or invite him into my lab group, so he felt like he had a friend. He once told me that the snickers and whispers did not affect him and he was completely comfortable with who he was.
One day in class, two jocks in the back decided it would be a grand idea to throw goldfish at Drew.
Though Drew gave the impression that this was not disturbing him in the slightest, I turned around and told the students to stop and apologized to Drew on their behalf. Embarrassed, he gave me a smile and began scribbling in his journal.
A few months later, my high school hosted a “What If Week”; it was about uniting our school and showing that everyone has a unique story. An assembly was held and we watched a video that consisted of current students giving testimonials of hardships they have worked through, one of whom was Drew.
Drew began talking about the hardships that he has gone through and how coming to school was difficult for him because he felt alone. He said that one day he had hit his breaking point. He planned on cleaning out his locker and then going home to take his own life. However his plans were changed by one person that made him feel his life was worth living. This person showed interest in his life and feelings. His last sentence was “Thank you Lauren, you saved my
That was the moment that burst my high school bubble. That’s when I realized that my actions could have a critical effect on someone else’s life. It was the moment that I knew there is life outside of mine.