Propozim kerkimi i përgatitur nga ............................
Pedagogu Prof. As. Dr. Drita KRUJA
Shkoder 2013
Research proposal
The research proposal of no more than 1,000 words is designed to provide you with an opportunity to:
• organise your ideas;
• develop a plan for your research;
• convince your tutor that your research is viable and will involve primary data collection.
The proposal is not assessed formally but will form the basis of your first discussion with your project tutor. For this reason it is essential that you think about it very carefully.
The content of the research proposal
The order of the content of the proposal may vary from that given below although all the sub-headings below should be addressed.
Working title
This should closely mirror the content of your proposal. It is recognised that it may alter as your research progresses.
This section should introduce your research topic, explain why you feel the research that you are planning is worth the effort, and where necessary, clarify terminology used and set it within the context of the academic literature.
In this section, you should answer the following question:
What is your research topic?
This question should be answered briefly. In answering it, you should express your research topic in the form of a problem which needs solving, a question that needs answering or something which you find exciting and has aroused your curiosity. You should also, where appropriate, provide a brief description of the organisational background and state why your research is worth the effort from an organisational perspective.
In addition, you should address the following questions: * Discuss the key academic ideas (theories) within the area of your research topic referencing them to their main