Programme Specification
Date amended: February 2008
1. Programme Title(s):
BSc in HRM (Human Resource Management)
2. Awarding body or institution:
University of Leicester
3. Typical entry requirements:
A levels or equivalent professional or overseas qualifications - We leave the grade unspecified because nearly all of our targeted students are working adults who may have high level of professional experience in human resources (HR) and may have done their A levels a long time ago.
4. Programme aims:
The programme aims to:
Provide a stimulating and challenging learning experience for those who want to develop a career in the human resource management;
Provide a rigorous HR syllabus that is based upon the Centre's research expertise;
Develop students' (working adults') underpinning knowledge for continuing professional development in HR;
Enable students to combine research and theoretical knowledge with professional application. 5. Reference points used to inform the programme specification:
• University of Leicester Learning and Teaching Strategy • External Examiners’ reports
• Discussions with DL partners and overseas agents
• Discussions with professional HR bodies
• Discussions with employers who fund employees for career development
• QAA framework
BSc in Human Resource Management
6. Programme Outcomes:
Intended Learning
How Demonstrated?
Teaching and Learning
(a) Discipline specific knowledge and competencies
(i) Mastery of an appropriate body of knowledge
Demonstrate mastery of an appropriate body of knowledge in HRM.
Distance learning materials, optional tutorials and workshops.
Assignments, essay-based examinations, dissertation, case study, Blackboard discussion.
(ii) Understanding and application of key concepts and techniques
Demonstrate understanding of key concepts in