BSS 3-1
1st Semester, 2013-14
Special training areas, T&D Implementation, T&D Evaluation
Abulok, Ciaralyn M.
Bejer, Alice Leika
Esguerra, Karla
The methods chosen should enable trainees to acquire the knowledge and performance skills targeted in the training objective:
Enhancing Knowledge – The basic requirements for facilitating knowledge-based learning are that information is clearly presented and that the learner has enough opportunity to ask questions and to seek clarification. Methods used to enhance knowledge include discussions, lecture, film and charts.
Building Skills – Acquiring the ability to perform a task requires guided practice with feedback. Role plays, demonstrations, apprenticeships, simulations, and fishbowl exercises (role playing in front of a group, incorporating observers’ feedback) are appropriate methods for skill based learning.
Changing Attitudes – Activities that promote skill-based learning can also be used to promote attitude.
They Uses Methods to prepare for training such as:
Brainstorm - This is a method in which the group quickly generates all possible ideas around an issue, accepting all ideas as plausible. Criticism and discussion are discouraged while the suggestions are being listed. After the listing is over, a discussion follows in which the group evaluates the ideas and selects the most appropriate idea for implementation or further discussion.
Ice breakers and Energizers - These are brief activities or exercises to acclimate participants to the learning environment; icebreakers and energizers usually involve physical movement and fun. Icebreakers help to reduce anxiety at the beginning of a training event, and they help participants become acquainted with one another. Energizers provide stimuli or a physical break, release energy, and shift the mood of the