Unit 2 Case Study
November 24, 2014
1. Define “standard of care.” How would appropriate “standard of care” be determined in this case?
In the healthcare industry “standard of care” is defined as the attention given to a job (with a patient) that would realistically be expected to be given by anyone in an alike situation (Caldwell, Carla, and Connor, 2012). In this case study there are several things that a healthcare provider can do to insure that the “standard of care” is properly put into action. One would be to deliver high-quality care, even though the patient is incoherent they still deserve high-quality care, not to mention the fact that if we were patients we would want the same high-quality …show more content…
Define the terms below and give an example of how each of these principles should be used in this case:
“Respect means esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability” (Dictionary.com, 2014).
“Empathy mean the intellectual identification with or secondhand undergoing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another” (Dictionary.com, 2014).
“Dignity is the bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self-respect or appreciation of the formality or gravity of an occasion or situation” (Dictionary.com, 2014). This this case study I believe that each of these, (respect, empathy and dignity) were shown to the patient despite her incapacity to accept it. Her friends showed empathy and respect by getting her to healthcare heal as soon as it was possible. Respect, empathy and dignity was shown by the healthcare providers by doing whatever they could to make sure that the patient obtained proper and prompt healthcare as soon as they were able, all the while trying without success to reach her next of kin. They acted in good faith and made decisions that they in turn would want made for themselves or their loved