HAS 4180-13Spring 0W61
Case Study 1
Robert Sauer
Generate a list of the ways in which you believe your responsibilities and the tasks you perform are likely to change because of the merger and your resulting new role. Hint: It may be helpful to make lists of what you imagine to be the circumstances before and after your appointment. For example, two obvious points of comparison involve number of employees (which implies many necessary tasks) and travel inherent in the job. See how long a list you are able to generate.
Before my promotion I was in charge of a department entailing a small staff and regular managerial duties. I was only dealing with 60 beds and instructing, coordinating, and planning with a smaller staff. I was also only dealing with one specific function for the facility. With my ne promotion I will be handling two different locations, more beds (90), a larger staff, and managing all the functions the facility is involved in.
Surviving the transition from small-to big is something a lot of businesses struggle with. Some serious issues that small businesses struggle with when transitioning to larger scale businesses especially on the management side are: financing, market share and diversification, distribution, staffing, and technology. Obviously when I held the position of a department manager all the aspects I just mentioned would have been smaller and will completely change with the merger.
Outside of a lot of the obvious changes I mentioned above dealing with the two locations and a larger staff will be the biggest issues I believe I will face with the new position. With the division in locations there are a million things that could be happening at both locations. I may be at one location handling an issue and then something could go wrong at the other location. My planning, organizing, staffing, influencing, and controlling skills are all going to be put to the test. The relationship I have with
Cited: Haimannn, D. a. (2010). Healthcare Management . Chicago: Health Administration Press. Suttle, R. (2013, January 31). Types of Organizational Structure in Management. Retrieved from Harst Communications Inc.: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/types-organizational-structure-management-2790.html