Christianity today is a living tradition which requires contribution and commitment through adherents. It’s through Pope John XXIII a modern day Christian role model, he’s changes have impacted Christian adherents through modernising the church, which is considered “perhaps the greatest revolution of Catholicism of the modern era”. However through traditional practices such as ‘Sunday worship’ it allows adherents to show their faith towards God. It’s through here adherents learn of Christian ethic guidelines on issues in Bioethical teachings such as Organ donation and Euthanasia.
Christianity was separated from the modern world before the changes implemented by Pope John XXIII. This made it difficult for adherents especially Roman Catholics to affiliate with the modern world. However through the famous doctrines which were created in the Vatican II in 1962 such as ‘Constitution of the Church’, John had improved the communications with the church and followers. This put Christianity back into a positive frame of mind with other adherents. There was separation and tension between different Catholic denominations, however it was through Ecumenism that the tension between denominations had eased. Examples of this are shown through the establishment of ‘NSW Ecumenical Council in 1965’. John also promoted peace through his two encyclicals “Pacem in Terris and Mater et Magistra, which has influenced globally the life’s of adherents through promoting of world peace. However one of the significant impacts which John had was through the modifications in a Catholic mass such as; facing the followers in Mass, no longer performing mass in Latin and telling adherents to accept all of other religious traditions saying it’s “good and true”. He was a modern day role model, who stated; “I want to be kind forever”. This is evident through winning “Man of the year award” in