Unit 9 This semester’s ethics course has been an interesting experience for me to say the least. It has really opened up my eyes to ways of thinking that I have not had before. As I learned more in class I sought out more information on some of the concepts, which we read about. Now as I watch the news I find myself analyzing the ethical situations and sometimes trying to figure out what my ethical stance would be. As the government shutdown is going on I think about how their actions fall into different philosophies. I am trying to look past the out front bickering and see what the real fight is about. This class has helped my writing in the way that I now try to think of the audience that I am writing to and how they will intemperate my message. I try to make sure that I do not push my opinions in such a way, as it will shut the reader down to the message I am trying to relay to them. As far as the analytical skills used when reading and thinking I feel the change has been a little bigger. When reading I find myself trying to see into what the author is trying to say or teach. I also find myself trying to figure out what type of person the might be and what guides their writing styles. Normally I would just read a story or article and take it at face value. During this semester we analyzed scenarios such as Will’s request and requiring ultrasounds before administering an abortion. I believe that Ethics is the ability to analyze a situation and come to a conclusion in a more logical manner. This has allowed me to be able to look at situations in my daily life a little more objectively that I had before. I feel that throughout each unit I have been opened to so many new ways of thinking that that make me look at situations from different angles that I never would have before. Like I said before I now try looking past the face of things and looking more within to what is really being said. I can see