The original purpose of this theory is to enhance understanding of the professional lives of teachers through a systematic framework which organizes their professional development plans and how teachers continually evolve - how they assess their roles in the classroom, their effectiveness as teachers and the steps they take in their career development (Huberman, 1989). The model is framed into seven career stages and potential trajectories (i.e. Survival and Discovery, Stabilization, Experimentation, Stock-taking, Serenity, Conservatism, and Disengagement) taken by teachers during the course of their work life. His study attempted to predict later phases of teaching from earlier ones, anticipating types of beginnings that led to career crisis or else predicting which teachers would report ultimate phases of satisfaction or disenchantment during the final years of teaching. He defined the three major phases in teachers’ life cycles, as: 1) novice 2) mid-career and 3) late-career, to which accordingly in each of these three main phases are crucial sub-phases to be highlighted. Each career stage is thought to be a crucial period in the teacher lifecycle, comparable to lifecycle stages of an individual; for instance infancy, toddler, pre-schooler, adolescent and so
The original purpose of this theory is to enhance understanding of the professional lives of teachers through a systematic framework which organizes their professional development plans and how teachers continually evolve - how they assess their roles in the classroom, their effectiveness as teachers and the steps they take in their career development (Huberman, 1989). The model is framed into seven career stages and potential trajectories (i.e. Survival and Discovery, Stabilization, Experimentation, Stock-taking, Serenity, Conservatism, and Disengagement) taken by teachers during the course of their work life. His study attempted to predict later phases of teaching from earlier ones, anticipating types of beginnings that led to career crisis or else predicting which teachers would report ultimate phases of satisfaction or disenchantment during the final years of teaching. He defined the three major phases in teachers’ life cycles, as: 1) novice 2) mid-career and 3) late-career, to which accordingly in each of these three main phases are crucial sub-phases to be highlighted. Each career stage is thought to be a crucial period in the teacher lifecycle, comparable to lifecycle stages of an individual; for instance infancy, toddler, pre-schooler, adolescent and so