Appearance: blue gray color,10 to 14 feet long, breath air, mammal, warm blooded, they use sonar
Habitat: It depends on the species as to where they live
Diet: carnivore, eat different types of fish
Reproduction and babies:
Dolphins are aquatic mammals that are closely related to whales and porpoises. Dolphins evolved about ten million years ago. .. Dolphins belong to the family Delphinidae. It is the largest and most diverse family of aquatic mammals and includes 26 living species dolphins vary in size from 2m -3 metres and 150- 300 kilograms. Most species of dolphins are larger than porpoises, with the males usually being larger than the females..
Several species of dolphins are found in most oceans and some rivers . Dolphins live in harbours, bays, lagoons, gulfs and tributaries. They do migrate if the water gets too cold. Also they may migrate if the fish supply and feeding habits change. Some like cold and deeper water than others.
dolphins have a similar streamlined, torpedo-shaped body - their bodies are larger at the front than at the back. The dolphin has a short, stiff neck. The forelimbs have developed into paddle-shaped flippers, which helps in steering through water. The tail of a dolphin (called the fluke) is used for propulsion: it is therefore very muscular. Their teeth are conical in shape.
. Dolphins are considered to be one of the most intelligent of animals and their friendly appearance and playful attitude have made them popular with humans. They love each other’s company. They jump and splash about in large groups called schools. They are great show-offs and do all kinds of somersaults, backflips and acrobatics. They have there own language to communicate with each other, which we still don’t fully.They use whistles, squeaks, moans, trills and clicks
Many dolphins are getting killed by being caught in fishermen’s