Chapter 4
Vocabulary in italics: from page 67 to page 80.
1. Ethnicity is based on a conception of a shared cultural heritage. Refers to an individual’s cultural heritage, separate from one’s physical character. Per David Maybury-Lewis-ethnicity has a will-o-the-wisp quality that makes it extremely hard to analyze and not much easier to discuss. 2. Ethnic Group – collective of people who BELIEVE they share a common history, culture, or ancestry. Refers to an individual’s cultural heritage, separate from one’s physical character. 3. Culture-refers to all learned and shared ideas and products of society. In Tylors view “culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, law, custom, …show more content…
and any other capabilities and habits acquired by mankind as a member of society.” Boas definition of culture- a shared way of life that includes values, beliefs, and norms transmitted within a particular society from generation to generation. Is said to consist of the patterns of relationships within a specific territory. Was viewed as the by-products of the societal relationships. The transmission of learned knowledge. Exists with in the minds of individuals. 4. Enculturation- learning the language and various symbols, values, norms and beliefs in the environment to which one is exposed. 5. Society – refers to a particular group of humans within a specific territory. Refers to the patterns of relationships among the distinct social statuses and roles within this definite territory. Is said to consist of the patterns of relationships within a specific territory. 6. Symbols-abstract ideas that are embodied within language. 7. Language-standardized system of symbols that allows people to communicate with one another. 8. Schemas-cultural models that are internalized by individuals and influence decision making and behavior. Culture is acquired by and modeled as schema within individual minds, which can motivate, shape and transform these symbols and meanings. 9. Naturalized-deep emotional attachments concerning symbols. 10. Material Culture- one dimension of the concept of cultural. Consists of the physical products of human society (clothing, housing). Often constitutes important ethnic boundary markers, which are used to differentiate on group from another. 11. Non Material Culture- second dimension of the concept of culture. Refers to the intangible products of human society (symbols, values, beliefs, norms). 12. Values- abstract standards by which members of an ethnic group define what is good or bad, holy or unholy, beautiful or ugly. Assumptions shared with the ethnic group. 13.
Belief- cultural conventions that concern true or false assumption, including specific descriptions of the nature of the universe and one’s place in it. 14. Worldview- consists of various beliefs about the nature of reality and provides a particular ethnic group with a more or less consistent orientation toward the world. “weltan-schauung” 15. Ideology- consists of cultural symbols and beliefs that reflect and support the interests of specified ethnic groups or subgroups within an ethnic group. 16. Cultural Hegemony- the ideological control by one dominant ethnic group over beliefs and values. 17. Ethnic Hegemony- the ideological control by one dominant ethnic group over beliefs and values. 18. Norms- ethnic groups rules of right and wrong behavior. Shared rules or guidelines that define how member of an ethnic group “ought” to behave under certain circumstances. Generally connected by values, beliefs, worldviews, and ideologies of an ethnic group. 19. Ethos- refers to the socially acceptable norms of an ethnic group. 20. Folkways- norms guiding ordinary usages and conventions of everyday life. 21. Mores-morality norms, have much stronger sanctions than folkway or etiquette norms. Members of an ethnic group believe that their mores are crucial for the maintenance of a decent and orderly way of …show more content…
life. 22. Ideal Culture- consists of what people within an ethnic group say they do or should do. 23. Real Culture- refers to their actual behavior. 24. Hypodescent Concept- since the 19th century, racial classification, racial mixture whereby the offspring of the parents have the race of the parent with the lowest racial status. “one drop rule” 25. Blanco - white 26. Prieto- blacks 27. Trigueño- tan skinned people 28.
Primordialist Model- model developed in the 19610’s, Clifford Geertz, essay “The Integrative Revolution: Primordial Sentiments and Civil Politics in the new states. Describes how many 3rd world countries try to build nations and integrate their political institutions based on “civil order” a political system based on democratic representation processes rather than traditional ties to kinship or religion, this new civil order clashed with older traditional or “primordial” aspects of kinship, race, ethnicity, language, and religion. Suggests that ethnic attachments based on an assumed kinship and other social ties and religious traditions are deeply rooted within the individual through the enculturation process. Joshua Fishman “Social Theory and Ethnography” emphasizes interrelationship between language, symbols, and ethnicity. - worldview that provides explanations for origins and other meaningful questions. ( example-Amish) Criticisms of: Geertz refers to as ineffable (inexpressible) givens or spiritual traditions or what Fishman refers to as mystical
concepts. 29. Ethnic Boundary Markers-emotional sentiments are sometimes evident through ethnic boundary markers, such as religion, dress, language, dialect and other visible symbols; distinguish one ethnic group from another. ( example Amish) 30. Circumstantialist Model of Ethnicity- interaction between ethnic groups, and how people identify with different elements of their own ethnicity and express or repress those elements, and characteristics in different circumstances for economic, political, or other practical interests. Also known as instrumentalist approach. 31. Retribalization- using ethnic affiliations as an informal network for economic and political purposes. 32. Ethnogenesis-origins of an ethnic group, continual ongoing, sociocultural, and political process that began in prehistory and continues today for many people.