One of these doctors was called Chester M Southam. Southam performed a study involving cancer cells, and his study would become one of the biggest scandals and controversies of the century. Dr. Southam was well-known immunologist at Sloan-Kettering Institute. He was obsessed about and interested in understanding how the human immune system responds to cancer cells. He wanted to understand “the natural killing off process of the human body”. He decided to perform experiments and find out. He obtained funding from the government, and his experiment involved the injection of live cancer cells into people. He went to the Ohio State Prison where he injected his cancer cells into healthy inmates. Unfortunately, he misled the inmates at the prison by telling them that they faced no serious danger, and that any cancer that did grow could easily be removed surgically. In addition, he injected his infamous cancer cells into 14 patients that already had advanced cancer. Some participants had developed tumors that were surgically removed. Some of the tumors can back in some of these patients. Also, two patients died, and there were other consequences and complications of this study. One big thing to look at is that half of the “guinea pigs” were black. Also, Dr. Southam conducted a similar study at the Brooklyn Jewish Chronic Disease
One of these doctors was called Chester M Southam. Southam performed a study involving cancer cells, and his study would become one of the biggest scandals and controversies of the century. Dr. Southam was well-known immunologist at Sloan-Kettering Institute. He was obsessed about and interested in understanding how the human immune system responds to cancer cells. He wanted to understand “the natural killing off process of the human body”. He decided to perform experiments and find out. He obtained funding from the government, and his experiment involved the injection of live cancer cells into people. He went to the Ohio State Prison where he injected his cancer cells into healthy inmates. Unfortunately, he misled the inmates at the prison by telling them that they faced no serious danger, and that any cancer that did grow could easily be removed surgically. In addition, he injected his infamous cancer cells into 14 patients that already had advanced cancer. Some participants had developed tumors that were surgically removed. Some of the tumors can back in some of these patients. Also, two patients died, and there were other consequences and complications of this study. One big thing to look at is that half of the “guinea pigs” were black. Also, Dr. Southam conducted a similar study at the Brooklyn Jewish Chronic Disease