When the boys end up on a deserted island they initially act civilized. In the beginning of the novel their plane crashed and was dragged out to sea, leaving the boys stranded on an unfamiliar island. Because of the atom bomb's devastation, it's likely that no one knows where the boys are at. Piggy and Ralph were the first ones to meet up and they figure out a way out of the jungle and find a beach. Ralph finds a conch shell which he uses to bring the entire survivor on the island together. Between the boys they discuss a leader and choose Ralph over Jack. But Ralph makes him the leader of his choirboys and calls them “Hunters". Ralph and Jack decide to search the jungle with a couple of guys and exclude Piggy from the search party. They enjoy exploring the wild, experiencing the thrill of adventure, and the new friendship forming between them. Of course, there is plenty of fruit on the island, the boys have discovered. But they hunger for more substantial fare: Meat. As the days go by they start living like savages and forget their civilized ways. For example, they start killing their friends and actually enjoy it.
Without rules there won’t be not any consequences if you do break the rules.