Hill: Interactional Conventional Theory and Modern Forms of Communication
A theory on communication that looks at how society continues communication or may even change the ability to communicate is the Interactional Conventional Theory (Razik & Swanson, 2010, p. 132). Society continuously evolves throughout history. With these changes the ability to communicate also has to change. Over the last twenty years technology has redefined our idea of how to communicate. As students become more comfortable with chatting, texting and other new forms of communication this has lead teaching to evolve its forms of communication as well. If communication is based on cultural norms then as technology changes the norms of society so must the ability to communicate (Razik & Swanson, 2010, pp. 132-133).
New forms of communication are created all the time. Technology has enhanced communication from the traditional face to face or group conversations to e-mail and
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