Its function includes: 1. Worker Orientation 2. Physical working conditions 3. Motivation 4. Performance evaluation 5. Compensation Administration 6. Management-labor relations & movement
1. Worker Orientation
It is a procedure for providing new employees with basic background information about the firm. It refers to the assistance given to the newly hired employee in adjusting to the new work environment
Importance: there is hardly any graduate from any school or any experienced worker who is fully equipped with the specific knowledge and skills needed for his new job. Hence, the need for orientation.
It provides new employees with the basic background information required to perform their jobs satisfactorily, such as information about the company rules.
HR specialist usually performs the first part of the orientation, by explaining basic matters like working hours and vacations.
2. Physical working condition Management is responsible for affording a wholesome workplace that is free from unnecessary hazards and conditions that do not constitute a risk to the physical and mental health of the employee. It includes: * Space allotted to the workers * Physical layout of the office * Temperature of the workplace * Condition of the equipment and tools and impact on safety
Human resource maintenance activities related to safety and health usually entail compliance with federal laws that protect employees from hazards in the workplace. Regulations emanate from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, for instance, and from state workers' compensation and federal Environmental Protection Agency laws. HRM managers must work to minimize the company's exposure to risk by implementing preventive safety and training programs. They are also typically charged with designing detailed procedures to document and handle injuries.