The hospitality sector is one of the world 's fastest growing industries. However, huge problems still exist in attracting and retaining a skilled workforce; DiPietro (2007) stated that 'Two enduring things in the industry are: high staff turnover, which affects the ability to deliver a consistent brand experience, harming businesses and the fact that not enough people see our growing industry as somewhere to build their careers. '
The industry for many years has suffered with the overhanging reputation for a very high level of labour turnover. In 1993 the Hotel and Catering Training Board (HCITB) published its report Manpower Flows in the Hotel and Catering Industry. It found the following gross turnover rates: managers 19%, supervisors 94%, craftspeople 55% and operatives 65%. Cafe 's and public houses had the highest rates of losses, caused largely by young people using the sector as an interval between school and full time work (Boella and Goss-Turner, 2013).
Goss-Turner (2002) Wrote in his Managing People guide that the estimated costs of labour turnover are a graphic illustration of the hidden financial burden of having to replace an employee. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), in its report on labour turnover published in 2007, has fixed this at a minimum of £1000 for an unskilled manual worker, up to £5000 for a qualified, experienced managerial employee.
One of the main determinants predicted to have a significant role in an individual 's decision to leave an organisation is that of the turnover culture. This variable has often been alluded to in the literature on labour turnover, but has been largely untested. This is quite surprising given that the hospitality industry has been characterised in terms of high turnover rates, a part-time and casual workforce, an absence of an internal labour market - i.e. low job security, promotional opportunity and career development, plus
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