Paula C. Price
Attitudes can have a significant effect on the behavior of a person at work.
In the world of work we are concerned with attitudes toward supervision, pay,
benefits, promotion or anything that might trigger positive or negative reactions.
Employee satisfaction and attitudes represent one of the key areas of measuring
organizational effectiveness.
Worker attitudes are tendencies to react in a favorable or unfavorable way
toward objects, people, or events, generated by mind-set toward supervision,
pay, benefits, promotion, or anything that might trigger positive or negative
reactions. As a result, employee satisfaction and attitudes represent one of the
key areas for measuring organizational effectiveness, workplace environment,
job satisfaction. Attitudes reflect a person 's likes and dislikes toward other
persons, objects, events, and activities in their environment. It makes sense to
study and know about attitudes because strong attitudes will very likely affect a
person 's behavior. Because of the importance of the links of task, contextual,
and ethical performance with important measures of organizational
effectiveness, one of the key goals of managers should be to create linkages
between employee performance and their satisfaction. However, it is not always
easy to change a person 's attitudes about their work. The reason is that attitudes
toward work may be only one important aspect of the person 's structure of
attitudes. They might be linked strongly to other important ones, making them
deeply embedded, and thereby limiting how much managers can succeed in
altering the way employees feel and act. However, particular attitudes and
satisfactions at work can and do change, sometimes quickly, as events change.
Employees who are happy and productive one day can become dissatisfied
and resentful overnight as a consequence of some kind of managerial action.
Many organizations pay close attention to attitudes by conducting periodic
attitude surveys of employees, and seeking feedback in other ways. The hope is
that by assessing employee attitudes it will provide important information about
the effectiveness of different management strategies.
There are a number of things that we can do to make better judgments
about attitudes of others in evaluating their suitability for almost everything that
goes on in organizations. For example, I have been trained to ask prospective
employees, "How do you feel about working here?" or "How satisfied were you
with the type of work that you did in your previous job?" Attitudes are also
important when evaluating someone for promotion. I 've seen evaluations that
comment, "He doesn 't have a good attitude toward affirmative action" or, "He just
doesn 't believe enough in quality to do the job right." This has taught me to be
very careful and cautious, about judging attitudes of others as well as my own, I
might add. My employer has conducted seminar that teach the management
team to focus on specific, rather than general attitudes. Saying that an employee
has a good or a bad attitude, it is better to try to focus on employee attitudes in
terms of their more specific objects, such as attitudes toward pay, toward
supervision, and so on. This helps decide what to change in the organization,
such as modifying the pay system or training supervisors. There is often very
little that you can do about these general attitudes, since they may reflect the
positive or negative affectivity of the person. It is best not to dismiss or
underestimate the depth of feeling and the behavior associated with attitudes,
values, and beliefs. Attitudes are very important to the psychological well-being
of people and some are strongly held, especially those linked to the person 's
self-image. More importantly, they may be related to attitudes, values, and
beliefs that are not directly related to work itself.
Negative attitudes toward the job or the organization may lead an
employee to want to avoid work or quit, and they may do so because job
satisfaction is negatively related to turnover and to commitment. However, it is
best never assume that a satisfied employee is always a productive employee or
that a productive employee is satisfied. There is a weak relationship between
attitudes and task performance, though it is statistically significant. Periodically
corporations should assess employee attitudes and satisfaction with employee
surveys. It is also useful to involve the employees in the design, collection, and
interpretation of the study. However, be fully committed to act on the findings
and report the actions taken to correct the negative evaluations or surveys.
Companies can be more successful if the management staff learn to accept
people 's tendency to justify, rationalize and explain their beliefs, reduce cognitive
dissonance, and appear consistent to themselves and others and strive to
ensure that they understand as clearly as possible what is expected in terms of
work performance.
In summary, attitudes refer to what people like and dislike; they
predispose them to act favorably or unfavorably toward an object or event. They
function in several ways to help people to adapt to their world. Attitudes are
related to beliefs and values, all of which are acquired from infancy through our
experiences and associations with people, events, and the media. Specific
attitudes can be learned at any time and applied to any experience. Employee
attitudes about various aspects of their job are often studied by employers,
because it is known that attitudes affect attendance, retention, work
commitments, and interpersonal relationships. They affect satisfaction,
performance, and constructive voluntary contributions to organizational success,
and can make a huge difference in the effectiveness of an organization.
There are a number of different factors that contribute to our attitudes
about our work life. Child-rearing practices that affect the individual 's personality
and self-concept can be important early influences. Work socialization is how
individuals must learn about the characteristics and culture of their chosen
occupational field. Organizational socialization is the process of learning about
the norms of our work organization. These may be directly taught by others, may
be learned through the process of observing others, or may be learned through
the process of conditioning, by behaving in certain ways and having such
behaviors responded to in different ways by others.
If we don 't adjust well to our job or the organization in which we work, it
can negatively affect an individual 's performance, morale, and health as well as
those of others associated with them, both at work as well as family members
and friends.
"The Role of Work and Cultural Values in Occupational Choice, Satisfaction, and Success: A Theoretical Statement," Journal of Counseling & Development, Winter 2002 (Vol. 80, Issue 1), pp. 48-56, by Duane Brown
"Decision Making: A Comparison of Group and Individual Decision-Making Differences," Journal of School Leadership, September 1996 (Vol. 6, Number 5), pp. 555-72, by Raymond L. Calabrese, et al
"The Experience of Work and Turnover Intentions: Interactive Effects of Value Attainment, Job Satisfaction and Positive Mood," Journal of Applied Psychology,1996, 81(3): 318-26, by George, J. M. and G. R. Jones
"Relationship of Career Mentoring and Socioeconomic Origin to Managers ' and Professionals ' Early Career Progress," Academy of Management Journal,
1991, 34(2): 331-50, by Whitely, W., T. W. Daughterty, and G.F. Dreher
"Organizational Behavior and Public Management Public Administration and Public Policy," Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1998, by Michael Lee Vasu, Debra W. Stewart, and David G. Garson
References: "The Role of Work and Cultural Values in Occupational Choice, Satisfaction, and Success: A Theoretical Statement," Journal of Counseling & Development, Winter 2002 (Vol. 80, Issue 1), pp. 48-56, by Duane Brown "Decision Making: A Comparison of Group and Individual Decision-Making Differences," Journal of School Leadership, September 1996 (Vol. 6, Number 5), pp. 555-72, by Raymond L. Calabrese, et al "The Experience of Work and Turnover Intentions: Interactive Effects of Value Attainment, Job Satisfaction and Positive Mood," Journal of Applied Psychology,1996, 81(3): 318-26, by George, J. M. and G. R. Jones "Relationship of Career Mentoring and Socioeconomic Origin to Managers ' and Professionals ' Early Career Progress," Academy of Management Journal, 1991, 34(2): 331-50, by Whitely, W., T. W. Daughterty, and G.F. Dreher "Organizational Behavior and Public Management Public Administration and Public Policy," Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1998, by Michael Lee Vasu, Debra W. Stewart, and David G. Garson