1.1 Introduction
Merrill Lynch is one of the world’s premier providers of wealth management, securities trading and sales, corporate finance and investment banking services. They work with clients as their strategic partners to create and execute winning solution which address most of the clients’ most pressing strategic, financial and investment needs anywhere in the world (Merrill Lynch internet).
Merrill Lynch is one of the largest brokerage firm in the world with more than 15,000 financial advisor and approximately $2.2 trillion in client assets (Merrill Lynch Internet).
They are dedicated to provide first class investment services and experiences to client, focusing mostly on high net worth clients. The firm is able to provide a one-stop service for the private bank clients from investment needs, wealth planning, wealth preservation and succession.
I would say that the main contributing factor to the success of Merrill Lynch will be its differentiation strategy in providing excellence customer friendly experience and a one stop service for the client. We will be discussing three Human Resource Management strategy and analyse their impact on the company differentiation strategy
1.2 Extensive Investment in training and retraining
The right people with the right job coupled with the right and extensive
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