Unit 21: Human Resources Management
Assignment Number 3: ‘Because you’re worth it’
1) What is the purpose of a job evaluation?
A job evaluation is a regular examination of the role, duties and tasks of a particular position within an organisation. The job evaluation may also include the knowledge, skills and abilities that an employee will need in order to fulfil their role in that position. It is the process in which the position broken down into to decide what duties and responsibilities will be included in the job, also the conditions of which the tasks will be performed in. It does not directly determine the pay scale for each job but it will provide a basis where jobs can be ranked.
2) Give me an example of a job evaluation, and explain the pros and cons clearly.
There are 2 main methods of performing a job evaluation, these include analytical schemes where a job is broken down to its separate roles and each role is examined individually. The other method is non-analytical where the job is viewed as a whole.
The non-analytical schemes include;
Job classification
This method is also known as job grading. The first step of classification is to agree a number of grades, normally between four and eight, based on tasks performed, skills, competencies, experience, initiative and responsibility that are outlined in the job description. Clear distinctions are made between grades, however the job itself is not broken down. The jobs in the organisation are then allocated to the determined grades.
The advantages of this method are; it is simple to use and explain. Some criteria for judgments are provided in grade defiitions.
The disadvantages are; that it offers no defence in court in equal pay cases. The grade definitions are very generalised so it can make it difficult to place the more complex jobs or make comparisons between two jobs.
Job ranking
This is the simplest form of job evaluation. The process is to put the jobs in