Matriculation/Exam Number: s1158302 / B020676
Course Name and Code: Organisation Studies/BUST08011
Tutor’s Name: Dr Tom Calvard
Assignment Due Date: 27/10/2011
Question Number: 2
Text of Question: A survey by McKinsey & Company (2008) reported that two-thirds of organisational change initiatives fail. In what ways could a fuller understanding of the ‘human’ aspects of change help improve this success rate?
Everyday, a new idea occur , a new technology changes our view, a new customer with novel tastes join into our market , our economic conditions change, the time is ticking away so fast that even our social and cultural values change. Considering these triggers of change, it is inevitable that change is an continuous process and each manager,regardless of their leading style, has to know how to apply effective change management in the organization if he wants to be a successful leader. Hence, understanding the human aspects of change is a key point in the process of effective change management. However, during the world war, we had army organizations that such a bureaucratic and rigid structure was useful in order to manage these organizations. There was not almost any concern of the human side of change. If there any change occurs, employees under the organization had to obey even if the change do not suit their principles. There was almost no participation and consultation of employees. Besides, it was unuseful to make an effort on understanding human aspects of change. This management style that is fulled with commands and disiplinary issues could be useful during the middle of 20th century when operating environment more stable, but as it is mentioned at the beginning things are changed now. In our high velocity environment, organizations could not be managed as before. According to Warren Bennis(1969),“bureaucractic structures cannot cope with complexity” and
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