Author(s): Geoff Moore
Source: Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 2 (Apr., 2005), pp. 237-255
Published by: Philosophy Documentation Center
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Accessed: 02/10/2014 12:09
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The virtues[are]on the one hand,essential particular that
aspectsof the individual. the otherhandthey [are]preciselythe 'excellences '
(Solomon1992: 107). a certainsocietyrequire[s]" this typesof fishingcrewreinforce pointandalsoillustrate well-quoted MacIntyre 's system. set aspectof businessorganisations withina capitalist thissecondproblematic In one type, "a fishing crew may be organisedas a purelytechnicaland economic to end, whose aimis only or overridingly satisfyas profitably meansto a productive
1994:284-85). Butof course demand fish"(MacIntyre for as possiblesomemarket 's high. are this crewhas no good reasonto staytogetherif the returns not sufficiently would"have however, fishingbusiness, alternative of Thecrewmembers MacIntyre 's of acquired fromthe restof the crewan understanding anddevotionto excellencein fishing andto excellencein playingone 's partas a memberof such a crew.Excelrequired both of of kindis a matter skillsandqualities character lence of …show more content…
MacIntyre makesa generalpointaboutthis whenhe says thatthe essentialfeature of thevirtuesis clear:"without themS without justice courage truthfulness, and practices could not resist the corrupting power of institutions '(MacIntyre
1985: 194). But withinbusinessorganisations corrupting the powerof the institution, focused as it is on externalgoods, is especiallyclear.So withinthose who engagedirectlyin the practicethereneedsto be the commitment exercisethe virtuesnot only in pursuit to of the internalgoods of the practicewhichbenefitsthe individual directly,but also againstthe corporation when it becomes,as it inevitablywill at varioustimes, too focused on externalgoods to the detriment both the practiceandthe institution. of MacIntyre also alreadymadethis clear:l° has Fortheabilityof a practice retain integrity depend thewayin which to its will on the virtuescan be andareexercisedin sustaining institutional the formswhich arethesocialbearers thepractice. integrity a practice of The