The fact is, that the letter O is quite often sloppily written in haste, for which reason the letter is not as simple as we believe it to be. For a raindrop could create an O with more perfection, more care, than a human hand ever could, even though it may only last for a moment.
On the other hand, the letter may actually represent simplicity. Hearing someone say “Oh” is one of the simplest responses one can get, especially when delayed. O has come to represent not only simplicity, but also stupidity. The sound of it, when being dragged out, is the epitome of a delayed response, when one has finally come to a realization that they should have concluded long before. O also represents an answer used when one may not know what to say or holds their tongue. With that noted, why is it that O must represent such a boring, tedious response when it is anything but?
In contrast, the letter A has come to represent excitement and awe. Where O represents a late realization, “Ah” is, in a way, a more sophisticated response, one perhaps used when someone has come to a conclusion in his or her own clever way. “Ah” represents an exclamation chock-full of