Will at times try to put dirty underwear and socks. Is cooperative when staff check his dirty clothes to make sure he is changing. David does shower on own needs prompts in the evening to do it but does a good job cleaning self. He needs reminders and assistance at times with shaving as he will miss spots.
7/18/16 dr kent
7/27 bloodwork d/c tramadol
There have been no falls this quarter. During fire drills david gets up and goes out side quickly and safely. Listens well while out in the community and stays with staff.
At times david has had issues with isolating self in room. Needs reminders to come out and participate in activities. Most of the time does so without incident but will at times get frustrated at staff or peers and refuse to talk to anyone while out of room. After a short period and talking with others it is quickly resolved without further incident. David seems to understand that while he likes watching tv and playing video games that it is unhealthy to do it all day. Once reminded of this he will come out on own and participate in