November 7, 2014
Foods For Healthy Living – Per. 2
Hungry For Change
The waistline of America has become one of the biggest problems the country faces. With huge amounts of processed, unhealthy foods constantly being glamorized, the health of this nation is at risk. The First Lady has made it her primary goal though the Obama administration to try and fight obesity, mainly childhood obesity. The country needs to change. The film, Hungry for Change addresses these problems. The film goes into depth about the eating habits of America, what’s wrong with it, and why and how we need to change. American needs change, and it starts at the table. After seeing the film, I am hungry for change. One of the first things that made me want to change was learning about food like products. These are products that have altered so much by manufactures that it has to be considered “food-like”. This can include adding chemicals, colors and unnatural flavors just to make a product. I want to be consuming actual food, not food that has been altered so much that it cannot even be called food. Also the fact that many companies hold their own tests and submit it to the FDA also causes concern. These tests can be skewed, but as long as it appears to be acceptable, it will be allowed. The possible addiction to sugar also causes alarm. The fact that sugar is being compared to cocaine in how addictive it can be, is very unsettling. Sugar is in everything, and because we consume it some much, we are already addicted to a drug in a way. The country is addicted to common substance that is being compared to cocaine. That needs to change. Finally, the idea that we are not evolved enough to digest the chemicals being put in our food. We are not physically able to handle what we are eating. Our bodies have not learned how to digest these foreign chemicals that we have been putting in our body for the last fifty years. The chemicals that we are adding to our food are so dangerous