Brian Fuentes
Lynchburg College
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the motion and mechanics of hurdling during the 100 and 110m hurdles in order to better understand the proper technique to clear the barriers. When analyzing hurdling technique it’s important to consider proper body mechanics in order to understand the motion of the skill. While athletic ability is an important factor for this race, proper technique is more important for running a fast race (Coh, 2003). The 110m hurdles for men and the 100m hurdles for women is an Olympic event in track & field, for both races there are 10 hurdles on the track spaced out at an even distance from each other (Iskra, 1995). The athlete …show more content…
The reason for keeping the head and the shoulder at a constant height relative to the ground is to prevent over clearance, or in other words going to high over the hurdle (Ingebretsen, 2013). Typically, for a professional 110m hurdler a race would last a little over 13 seconds so the less time spent in the flight phase the faster the hurdler can push off the ground and run to the finish line (Ingebretsen, 2013) (Iskra, 1995) (Yuexian, 2010). Another important point to consider is the role of the hamstrings during hurdling. The hamstrings are bi-articulate and cross over the hip and the knee joint so as the hip flexes and the knee extends the hamstrings are put under stretch. This stretch creates tension which is potential energy which is then transformed into kinetic energy when leg is snapped back down to touch down with the ground after clearing a hurdle (Nixdorf, 2011). It is also important to consider the role of the hamstrings in between the hurdles. The steps in between the hurdles are similar to those during a 100m sprint where the hamstring is being forced to contract and stretch at the same time (Sven Jonhagen, 1994) (Peter Stanton, 1989). As the same time the hip is being flexed so is the knee joint, this cause the hamstring to contract proximally while experiencing stretch distally towards the insertion points of the …show more content…
Hurdling also has the potential for injury. Practical training consideration for 110m and 100m hurdles should focus on proprioception, kinesthesia, injury prevention, and proper neuromuscular development. In order to clear the hurdles in the most efficient manner a coach should train the athlete to develop better proprioception and kinesthesia in order to prevent the athlete from hitting hurdles during a race. Hitting hurdles slows down the runner and may cause the hurdler to become unbalanced and may also interfere with the stride pattern. Injury prevention is an essential part of any training routine. Considering the information presented about the role of the hamstrings during hurdling a coach should design a training regimen that incorporates eccentric hamstring exercises in order to strengthen the muscle and also to condition it to stretch (Peter Stanton, 1989). Proper care of previous hamstring injuries is also important considering that previously injured hamstrings are more susceptible to injury again (Sven Jonhagen, 1994) . The practical application point I would like to discuss is neuromuscular development. The 110m and 100m hurdles race is a physically draining event that requires a lot of effort during training. A coach should develop a workout regimen that incorporates plyometrics in order to develop the stretch reflex, and also it is important to develop the type 2 muscle fibers