A hyrdrosere is a plant succession which occurs in a fresh water lake. In time an area of open fresh water will dry out forming woodland. During a hydrosere there are many abiotic factors that change, which causes different species to inhabit the lake depending on the conditions they need to thrive and live successfully. There are many different stages that occur during a hyrdrosere the first stage introduces a pioneer species. A pioneer species is usually a community of hearty plants with adaptations such as long roots. The pioneer species colonise to the lake after the water warmed up to a certain temperature that was suitable
for these plants to thrive in, specific to their needs.
As more and more of these plants start to inhabit the lake, the temperature starts to rise. As the temperature starts to rise it becomes too hot for the pioneer species to thrive, this causes them to die and break down. When the pioneer species break down it makes new soil for secondary succession. The dead plants provide dead organic matter to the lake bed sediment. This increases fertility and depth. Due to the increased depth deeper rooted species develop, such as bull rushes and reeds, these plants take the place of the pioneer species. Because the bull rushes and reeds have relatively deep roots it caused bioconstruction to take place. The bioconstruction process traps sediment allowing plants such as willow, sedges and alder to grow. The growth of these plants causes the water depth to decrease, therefore the lake bed rises. The lake is now un-suitable for the growth of amphibious plants. The lake has now reached a marshy-meadow stage and has become a lot drier. This means that a wider variety of species can now thrive there. Plants such as birch and alder come into dominance. This increases the temperature of the water, which increases the rate of evaporation, reducing the water level even further. Underneath the birch canopy terrestrial shrubs and grasses develop, this increases the acidity which in turn increases the rate of nutrient exchange. This is another abiotic factor which affects the species that are present. The area is artificially drained and the oak and ash community develop. This is the last stage, the climax community.