In determining if hypnosis can retrieve lost memories or recall childhood objects, …show more content…
In the case of these experiments it was the answers to seeing the objects and video. The subjects had the chance to see many different object and remember little details and things from all of them could have been triggering a memory. Following that after exiting the hypnotic state they were put in they would then do the same experiment over and see if the results were different than before.
For them to get an accurate result they would ask the mothers of the subjects to describe childhood objects that had meaning to them. When they were done they would leave and a posthypnotic analytic would take place. Once the students were no longer under hypnosis they would see the same items again and see if they could remember more of the items than before the hypnosis (Nash, at …show more content…
Then on top of that only five could recall the same items after coming off the hypnotized method. So then you had 11 students who could not remember items while being hypnotized and 9 who could not remember after coming off of it either. So as a result there were more fails than accomplishments for this test because there were 15 students test and only 14 did hypnotizing actually work on and your percentage of fails on the ones it did work on was higher than the ones that could remember. So I believe that hypnotizing does not help college students recover childhood memories or items (Nash, at el.,1988). Out of all the information given and recorded then was not major difference in memory through hypnosis. They students did not recall or have memories any better than the peers that were not hypnotized (Yuille, at el,