We've a problem here at this school, a problem not one person seems to talk about, for the very idea seems to be an unwritten taboo amongst a list of heinous and perverse evils. The problem I'm referring to is that of the hidden hypocrisy that arises from honors classes, and the divide created by said honors classes amongst the student body.
Now, what might be the problem with honors classes, and how do they create a divide between within the student body? I'm glad you asked, my potentially disgruntled honors student reader!
The problem with honors classes, is that to get into said classes you've to excel at a standardized form of learning. Hypocrisy arises here due to the fact that, most, if not all
schools, put an emphasis on the uniqueness of the student, and tell them that NO-ONE is perfect. So why is it that we've a standardised form of learning in the first place? If everyone is unique, surely that would mean that a student's knowledge can't be measured in a standardised way, no? And why do we put so much emphasis on the idea of uniqueness when we also put so much pressure on the student to do exactly as the guidelines say? And answer me this, reader with all the answers: Why do honors classes teach different course material than regular classes? To do so is to suggest that students who are not in honors classes are less intelligent, and frankly, it’s infuriating. The overall message I receive from this as a student is that: everyone is different, and no-one is perfect, yet some people are more perfect than others.