peer-00562971, version 1 - 4 Feb 2011
700.10.7002 .servneram.j/6101.01 :iod ,)7002( hcraeseR latnemnorivnE eniraM ,dlrow eht ni saera negyxo-wol latsaoc tsegral eht fo eno :aeS anihC tsaE eht ni aixopyH ,.K-F ,haihS ,.C-G ,gnoG ,.C-C ,nehC :sa elcitra siht etic esaelP 7002 yraunaJ 41 6002 rebotcO 11 6002 yaM 13 hcraeseR latnemnorivnE eniraM 8013 EREM 700.10.7002.servneram.j/6101.01
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Accepted Manuscript
Author manuscript, published in "Marine Environmental Research 64, 4 (2007) 399" DOI : 10.1016/j.marenvres.2007.01.007
Hypoxia in the East China Sea: one of the largest coastal low-oxygen areas in the world
Chung-Chi Chen1, *, Gwo-Ching Gong2 , Fuh-Kwo Shiah2, 3 Deparment of Life Science National Taiwan Normal University 88, Sec. 4, Ting-Chou Road Taipei 11677, Taiwan.
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Institute of Marine Environmental Chemistry and Ecology National Taiwan Ocean University Keelung 20224, Taiwan.
Research Center for Environment Changes Academia Sinica, NanKang Taipei 115, Taiwan
*Corresponding author: E- mail: Phone: 886-2-2930-2275 Fax #: 886-2-2931-2904
Revised and resubmitted to “Marine Environmental Research” on 1/14/2007
ABSTRACT Anoxia and hypoxia have been widely observed in