in to earn fame with your club. There are simple little things to make a sport so big in the world. Enjoying to play the game. Another great reason why a person should be a professional player is the experience they would have if they scored a goal. Fans cheering you can add a great feeling to your body on what you feel. Another one is the celebration of you're kind when I score a goal. Its gives me another heartwarming feeling for me. Last, is the smart technique against the opponent. You can use skills and other things to trick your opponent to pass or score for the team. Doing and getting things from my team and from the fans make me enjoy playing soccer and I would love to continue playing soccer if I achieve my goal. Staying in good shape is the best fit. Finally, you need workout 24/7 when you play soccer so you can be prepared for the game. Gaining muscles is one thing to key into working out. It gives you more kicking power into the ball and helps your heart rate. Then it also helps with me running during the games so I don't get tired quickly.
As you can see these following reasons make me want to be a soccer player staying in good shape, enjoying to play the game, loving playing soccer for the fame. As you can see these following reasons make me want to be a soccer player staying in good shape, enjoying to play the game, loving playing soccer for the fame. I hope when I grow up I will be able to be a professional soccer player and so I can enjoy all of the joy moments in life.