My PHM program is diabetes and depression co-morbidity management. I developed both outcome and balance measures for my program. After reviewing the IHI website today, I decided to add
the following two process measures to my program:
• Access to care: The average number of hours a Behavioral Health Consultant is available to provide brief counseling to patients.
• Critical care: The percent of patients stratified as high risk/level 3/severely ill scheduled for critical intervention with the Behavioral Health Consultant and the Primary Care Provider.
While reviewing the information on creating measures on the IHI website. I recalled I needed to monitor my measures not only through data but by plotting them on a run graph. Plotting data over time using a run chart, is a simple and effective way to determine whether the changes you are making are leading to improvement (IHI, 2015).
I decided to browse the “Tools” section for additional information about quality improvement. There are several tools listed under the Tools link but I was interested in the following five because of their relevance to my career:
Approaches to Integrating Primary Care Services into Behavioral Health Organizations
Quality Metrics Advisor Tool
Improvement Project Road Map
Patience Care experience Observation Exercise
Behavioral Health Integration Capacity Assessment Tool (IHI, 2015).
Institute of Healthcare Innovations (2015). Resources. Retrieved from