Albert Einstein once said, “The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources”. Creativity is always the base and most importantly the start of something big and interesting when we try to create or build projects. Not every one is fortunate of possessing creativity, because it involves several disciplines: psychology, philosophy, cognitive thinking, education, theology, sociology, etc.
Creativity is a phenomenon is which something new, valuable, and useful is created such as an idea, painting, musical composition, joke, invention, solution, and literary work. It is also said to be associated with intelligence and cognition because it consists in a lot of thinking, crafting, drawing, and more thinking to achieve it.
Intelligence is key as well as cognitive thinking; there has been a debate whether intelligence and creativity are part of the same process (conjoint hypothesis) or are two separate things (disjoint hypothesis). Open-minded and brainstorming are really helpful, they are one of the most important factors to strengthen creativity, because you will be thinking and thinking of many ways of creating it and throwing ideas. Other skills definitely will help you be more creative, such as originality, tenacity, passion for what you are doing, resilience, and always have
some plans and ideas of what you want sort of like a draft or concept already in your mind.
Becoming creative is hard for some and unfortunately it cannot be taught but nurtured, for some it might comes by itself, within your thoughts and ideas, mainly by thinking, and imagining, also reading many books will definitely help because we can imagine and see the world in another perspective and wonder many thing within the story of the book we are reading and we cannot see in person. Another huge factor is the experience you have had, obviously the more experience, the more creative you may be.
Creative people always tend to have a notebook and