Therefore both have advantages but l prefers small town because it is a comfortable, atmosphere is clear and it is a peaceful.…
The Dred Scott case was a landmark case that sparked uproar from state officials after Chief Justice Taney gave the majority opinion of the court. Dred Scott was a slave owned by an army surgeon, Dr. John Emerson, with whom Scott traveled to the free state of Illinois. Following a two and a half year stay in Illinois, Scott and his master moved to Wisconsin, also a free state. However, Scott’s extended stay in Illinois gave him the power to make a legal standing to request his freedom, however Scott never followed through possibly due to his ignorance of the statute. After Emerson’s death, Scott was hired out to an army captain, which then prompted Scott to request his freedom. In June of 1847, Dred Scott went to trial in order to legally win…
After reading Reyhan Harmanci’s essay “Giving up my small-town fantasy” that was published in 3rd September 2014 in NY times, opinions section, I do agree her when she told us about her experience in living in two different places (rural and urban). and when she pointed out how big cities differ from small towns.. However, I disagree in others thoughts.…
In the present time, many people who live in small towns want to move in the city; therefore, there are many reasons to justify this choice. The larger job opportunities and schooling are just a few.…
“The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don’t know what you’re doing, someone else does.” This hilarious quote, though a bit exaggerated, does in some ways explain happenings in small towns. I have lived in my own small town all my life. Every town has its downsides. Like the quote stated, gossip circulates easily in small towns. Also, one must often travel some distance to find specialty shops and supplemental learning opportunities. Small towns tend to have less glitter and they also have excitement. But, living in our small town also has many advantages. Because of the fewer people, one can more easily make friends. Additionally, the town provides an abundance of outdoor recreation, and a quieter, safer environment. Living in Eagle River, my small town offers…
There are both positive and negative aspects of life in a small town. Positive things include not as many crimes and availability to hunt. Negative things include gossip and hunting accidents. So living in a small town sounds fun, but it comes with a few consequences.…
The second advantage is that the people in small town are easy to get along with. You don’t need to think about how to deal…
Growing up in small towns and big cities, both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although it is a bit difficult to say that whether growing up in small town is more advantage than growing up in big cities, some people believe that growing up in a small town can be quite beneficial. Different people have different point of views, but I want to support my view with three advantages of growing up in a small town.…
Another negative thing about small towns is there is nothing to do in them. The cops are always around, so teenagers cannot hang out and do dangerous things, or things they want to do. The most fun people in small towns have are either going to parties which the cops bust, or going two towns away and sitting the Wal-Mart parking lot talking or trying to race each other down one of the straight stretches. Other than that there is not a cool hang out to go to like they have in Dazed and Confused. It gets pretty boring in small towns.…
Another important advantage to the big city is the social life. Have you ever heard stories from teachers in school who grew up in the small town? They often tell about how the one time they accidently messed up, their parents knew before they could even get home. This is sad because it is the first time they mess up and have felt bad about it and should atleast be given the option to tell their parents. Also, people in the big city seem to be more friendly and will often try to help you out if you need it. The big city also offers teenagers a wide aray of things to do with their time, making it less likely for them to commit crimes or do drugs or drink or any other of these wrong things “I couldn't wait to move to the big city. Spoiled by wide-open space, living among apple orchards and redwoods, I yearned to live closer to movie theaters and fast food” (Sunset…
The first significant impact small town living had on me was a healthy diet. Most land in the town is farmed for fruits and vegetables, so when you drive the roads you often see what looks like seas of bright red strawberries. Along with hundreds of peach trees which are lined in perfect rows. Farmers will allow you to pull off and pay for a basket that you can fill with fruit you pick yourself. I can still recall the feeling of a wooden basket being so weighed down with fruit it created red patches on my skin where I gripped the handle. You leave the fields with hair smelling so strong of strawberries you will swear you used a shampoo. In addition to picking fresh fruits, hunting your own game is popular in small towns. It is not uncommon to hear the crackle of a fire in your neighbors yard as they grill their fresh caught fish. With such an abundance of produce and meat families typically cook at home. America has an obesity epidemic, and a lot of it has to do with the convenience of fast foods. As a child growing up in a small town, we did not have fast food restaurants in our area. If you wanted something from a drive thru, it meant driving at least half an hour each way. Which I felt was annoying as a child now I see it gave me…
With big cities, there are bigger opportunities: People can take a greater chance to study and work for the best. Big cities are usually the heart of excelled Universities. Besides studying, big cities provide students and communities areas of interests as well. Moreover, as you graduate, there are better chances to earn a job at much ease in the big city. On the contrary, small cities or country sides lack the concentration of big corporations and companies. Hence, many students and employees seek the quality of studying and working in the big city.…
Aside from my education and career path, my home environment is also important to me. I would love to live in a small town, because I grew up in one and I absolutely love it. I love that everyone knows each other, and I have gone to school with the same people my whole life. I do need to consider, however, that there may not be any teaching positions available in a place like that, so I may need to live in a larger city. While finding a teaching position, I will try to be as flexible as possible when…
But, in a small town you can have a calm and healthy life without any stress far from the…
When I try to think of a place that I'd like to live in, I have to think about what would make me want to live there. I would say the weather, The views, and the Things to do should be the deciding factors. While there are many places in the world that fit this criteria, Living in the US would be ideal. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in Hawaii? I'm going to to tell you why Honolulu is the best city to live in. A place where vacation meets everyday life, and "Beach Day" is every day...…