Uyi Rapheal Edomwandagbon 7e0b8198/14
Mitrabinda Singh
Research thesis presented as a part of the requirements for the award of the degree of
MASTER OF SCIENCE (Project Management)
June 2012
My most sincere thanks and gratitude goes to my supervisor, Mrs. Mitrabinda Singh for her consistence patience, valuable advice and guidance throughout this final year project in every aspect. In addition, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to all the lecturers in Curtin University who at one time or the other have been there for me throughout the duration of this Master of Science in Project Management course.
I would also like to say a Special thanks to all my course mates and seniors for their contributions and support in the writing of this research.
Last but not least, I would like to thank all of my family both here and back home for giving me this opportunity, Ik and Mathilda for their unrelenting effort in supporting me and Manami for her encouragements and love.
The research focuses on identifying the underlying impact of Hofstede’s cross-cultural dimensions on project success among private sector organisations in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. Cultural difference is predominantly existent in most of today’s private sector organisations but the effect has been greatly overlooked. Following the aim of the study a number of questions has been drawn which the research aims to answer and an in-depth analysis of past literatures and studies has been conducted and used for the purpose of the underlying research and a number of hypotheses have been drawn for testing this study. First, an identification of the factors necessary for project
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