- Waste Management methods - disposal (landfill), incineration
Negatives LANDFILL:
Toxins: Many materials that end up as waste contain toxic substances. Over time, these toxins leach into our soil and groundwater, and become environmental hazards for years. Electronic waste is a good example. Waste such as televisions, computers and other electronic appliances contain a long list of hazardous substances, including mercury, arsenic, cadmium, PVC, solvents, acids and lead.
Leachate: Leachate is the liquid formed when waste breaks down in the landfill and water filters through that waste. This liquid is highly toxic and can pollute the land, ground water and water ways. …show more content…
This removes the oxygen and causes it to break down in an anaerobic process. Eventually this releases methane, a greenhouse gas that is 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide. The implications for global warming and climate change are enormous. Methane is also a flammable gas that can become dangerous if allowed to build up in concentration. Composting your food scraps and green waste in a compost bin eliminates many of these problems.
Re-development?: Once the site has been filled it might not be able to be used for redevelopment as it might be too polluted.
Fuel: through burying, energy can be obtained by the conversion of landfill gas. These waste products can be used as a direct combustion fuel or indirectly by processing them into another type of fuel.
Cheap: Landfill sites are cheap but are not sustainable which means it’s a quick solve for rubbish that is spare.
Versatility: Lots of different types of waste can be disposed of by landfill in comparison to other waste disposal