• Briefly define what is meant by physical needs, including exercise and rest, diet, health and safety
• Identify the specific physical needs of a three year old.
A Good overall phyisic o f a child plays an impottant role in a chils concentration and ability to enjoy physical activities.A child development can really be affected or depends on the physical conditions of a child.
Physical needs means child having opportunities to be active and interactive with others.develop their co-ordination,control and movement.should be able to make healthy choices in terms of food.and have good physical activities.
Importance of good health and maintain it.knowing the knowledge of safety.
Children learn best when they r healthy safe and secure.if the settings r proper, safe, motivating,the kids enjoy learning more and gains more confidence.
Health needs required a complete information about the health,in terms of any medical problems,any allergies with anything like air freshener.knowledge about the medications required to be given in case of emergencies.the careere should inform the parents if any medication given on any particular day and the dose given.
Having healthy eating habits helps in having a good development. Knowledge about good diet should be given to the kids.
A child safety holds a very important role in any learning environment.the area a child is playing in should be appropriate and should have things of the child size.no matter it is indoodr or outdoor.the area should be clean and monitore by the carers.emergency measures should be planned in advance .emergency exits should there.fire extiguishers.smoke detectors.fire aalarms should all b considred for the safety of the children.
A child care stting should b a strictly non-smoking zone.anywhere in the premises.
The overall premises should meet all the requirements that is need3d for a child saftety,health concerns,.
Physical activities are very essential for a childs