herself and the phrase “bright side.”, for she decided to reconcile with the old troubled relationship of my mother and spent her vacation with the family. In the end, the valued but ruined plan was only abhorrent for split second, and as a result, she acknowledged what she could do instead which lead to a repaired relationship and a well spent holiday. Similarly, positive loopholes can also be a well lesson learned in an unfavorable circumstance.
For example, in the book “The Glass Castle” the protagonist, Jeannette Walls, uses past experiences and mistakes to mold future decisions. As she grew older she realized how inadequate logic and irresponsible waste of money, provided by her parents, are what made her youth so difficult. Consequently, she devoted herself to changing that lifestyle and began acquiring money anyway she could in hopes of leaving her family, for she wanted to move to New York and become successful herself. In effect, through much patience and frustration, she was able to leave as soon as it was possible, and even assembled her traumatic events as a best selling story. As a result, she became what she once could only imagine to be and in the end, it was her continuous childhood troubles that motivated her to triumph and live in
prosperity. Just like Jeanette and my sister, it is the same type of logic with actual disastrous impediments. For instance, along with many disabled people, after my cousin underwent a hideous car accident that unfortunately left his legs numb, his mindset shut everything else completely. In addition, his head was too blocked of what did happen that he forgot of what could happen, for he still had his entire upper body after all. Consequently, he gave in to the constant encouragement, and put to use what he had left. In effect, after stressfully looking for possible hobbies, he eventually founded a growing passion for writing and as a result, was glad it was not his hand he could not feel. In the end, he appreciated his new commitment and was able to find a way to feel happiness in a life changing hindrance. All in all, for every inauspicious condition you come by, there is a benefit that awaits. There is no such thing as a complication without use. Knowing this will help you rationalize every time an obstacle makes itself evident, and will make it much more manageable rather than make it seem like such disadvantage without a cause.