Growing up in Australia, where things always come relatively easy in comparison to other countries, the journey that the items we buy go on before we …show more content…
If the way I live was the exact same was as everyone else the world would be just as dark and as destroyed as it is pictured on hundreds of Hollywood films nowadays, this is not the earth that I would like to be living in. After taking the quiz on how large my ecological footprint is, I decided to click on the link that shows me what I would need to change to bring down the number of how many ‘Earths’ we would need to survive. I found out that if I ate half the amount of meat my family eats, purchased more things that are packed in recycled plastic, used solar panels, made all of my appliances energy efficient and used public transport one day a week I could decrease the number of earths that we would need to only 1.9. This number is still quite large, but not nearly as bad as 2.7
As a developed country that continues to grow we continue to enjoy the finer things that life has to offer, but often take for granted what it costs the planet for us to have these things. If everyone just took small, simple steps to reduce their footprint, like installing Solar Panels then we wouldn’t use half as many resources, destroy half as many forests or need multiple versions of earth to help us survive. The gains from being more environmentally friendly and aware are much more satisfying than the small amount of satisfaction that you get from buying a new item that will just be tossed