1. Describe the ways that More criticizes English society in the 16th century though Utopia.
2. Hythloday's description of the 54 cities of Utopia creates an image of a society which lacks diversity and competition. Is such a society beneficial? Why or why not?
Free to Choose
3. Milton and Rose Friedman claim that the voluntary exchange is a necessary condition for both financial prosperity and political freedom. Give reasons for your agreement or disagreement.
4. Explain the power of market based on Milton. Should every country adopt free market system?
Death and Life of Great American Cities
5. What did Jacobs criticize about city planners in her time? What did she propose in order to make a city?
6. What does Jacobs see as the role of government in city planning? Do you agree or disagree with the extent of this role?
Paris Spleen
7. Comparing and contrasting at least two poems from Paris Spleen explain and react to Baudelaire’s representation of women.
8. Comparing and contrasting at least two poems from Paris Spleen explain and react to Baudelaire’s representation of the poor.