The prostitutes leaved their rural home to come to Nairobi. There are four cases: marital discord, quarrels with parents, widowhood, and childlessness. The Lnhya woman ran away from her husband because he was beating up her. The other woman ran away from her father because her father forced her into marriage with someone she does not love. In addition, the widows came to Nairobi because they do not have any martial support; thus, they have to support themselves. The case coming with husband or parents was considered rare in Nairobi.
Women like men were affected by the disturbed conditions of life in many parts of east Africa in the last few decades of the nineteenth century. The colonial intrusion was only a part of the prolonged catastrophe. Disastrous drought, famine, and epidemics of rinderpeset and small pox ruined the life of the humans. For example, the Kamba were hit from epidemic, a famine, and a locust invasion. The aggravating effect of the disaster can be observed from the description from the women who came to Nairobi in the early days: