iluminage At-Home Laser
The iluminage Touch has two ways of removing the hair from your body. It uses radiofrequency, or RF, and Intense Pulsed Light, or IPL, to better target each hair on the body.
It works in …show more content…
Those who have used the hair removal system have seen almost 50% of the hair removed after only two treatments. After two months of treatments, users saw a reduction of almost 94% of the …show more content…
They work equally well on many skin colors and hair types. As you can see from this video, the girl's skin is fairly dark and her mom's skin is, too. She's happy with the results.
While studies conducted by the company didn't include gray hair, they say that there shouldn't be a problem with gray hair since it works on blonde hair so well.
iluminage Instructions
The treatment area needs to be prepared before the device is used. This preparation will differ depending on the color of the hair and area to be treated.
Dark Hair or Skin
You'll need to shave the area to be treated with the device to remove the visible hairs. The IPL and RF needs to penetrate into the follicle to destroy the hair bulb as well as the follicle root itself. Before every treatment, the area needs to be shaved.
Light Hair
For light hair, you need to remove the hair completely from the follicle. This can be done with waxing or epilating. The heat has to be able to penetrate deep into the follicle bed, which can't be done with light hair in the way of the IPL and RF