The media’s interaction with the Australian Criminal Justice system has a substantial impact on society’s perception of how images of crime are becoming as "Real" as crime itself. This acquires the public’s perceptions of the world we live in, when individuals substitute media to progress and expand it creates different viewpoints and attitudes, which are understood differently depending on the individual. Every individual has some form of contact with the media as media is unavoidable and has impacted our society greatly. These images are seen through all types of avenues such as the television, radio, newspaper and the internet. For instance individuals spend majority of their time …show more content…
How these avenues report news affects the understanding of how individuals depict crime within society. According to (Kellner 1995 cited in Kurbin 2007) "Media images help shape our deepest values, what we consider good or bad, positive or negative moral or evil". (Hayward, insert date) also states that “Images of crime, we claimed, were becoming as “real” as crime and criminal justice itself”. Throughout this essay it will clearly emphases how the images of media are becoming as "real" as crime itself through many examples and theoretical standpoints.
Crime from a criminologist’s perspective is defined as "A law-breaking act conducted by an individual or individuals that then follows criminal procedures." (Lynch et al, 1955). There are many laws put in place which endorse discipline for individuals that deviate against these laws. The mass media plays a very significant role within society in relation to the construction of criminology within the criminal justice system. …show more content…
However according to (Hayward, 2010) he states coming from an illustrative perspective “Image refers to a representation of the external form of an object.” The image of “Crime” is becoming a power infused issue within society. Exactly how much of what we view is essentially mediated by the image itself. An example of this is social media and the images that are posted tend to have “Virtual images” leading to endless ideas that shape ones deepest values creating “Visual culture”. Ways in which individuals view the world creates a collective conscious causing manipulation by the media. Within today’s society many individuals record their crimes and post them up on social media such as Facebook, twitter and YouTube. However in the case of television, films, video games and music they expose unambiguous evidence that the violence in media increases the possibility of violent and deviant behaviour. This is clearly evident in (Anderson, et al. 2003) where he states that “Entertainment violence can lead to increases in aggressive attitudes, values, and behaviour, particularly in children.” In the last past half-century there has been numerous experiments in relation to whether media violence affects individuals behaviour.(Bushman,2001 cited in Anderson, el at. 2003) states that “ Youths that watch violent scenes subsequently display more aggressive behaviour, aggressive thoughts or aggressive emotions than those who do not.” As mass