In partnership with
Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca (MIUR)
February 2013
Test Specification
Test Format
The IMAT will have the same structure as the existing Italian test. Candidates are allowed a total of 90 minutes to complete the test.
Section 1
General Knowledge and Logical Reasoning (Critical Thinking and Problem Solving)
30 multiple-choice questions.
Sections 2, 3 and 4
Science-based sections, covering: Biology; Chemistry; Physics &
Mathematics. 30 multiple-choice questions.
All questions have five options, of which one is correct.
Candidates record their answers on a separate answer sheet. Candidates can also indicate if they have opted not to answer a question.
Candidates are allowed 90 minutes to complete the test.
A candidate’s total score is calculated using the following formula:
1.5 points for each correct answer;
-0.4 points for each wrong answer;
0 points for each question not answered.
An overall total score will be reported, together with a score on each section.
Level of Difficulty
The level of difficulty of the test items will be targeted to discriminate effectively between applicants, including those who may have achieved the highest possible grades in school examinations.
Section 1: General Knowledge and Logical Reasoning (Critical
Thinking and Problem Solving)
Section 1 will assess general knowledge and the logical reasoning skills that students must possess if they are to succeed in a course of study at the highest level. Such skills are basic to any academic studies, which often require students to solve novel problems, or consider arguments put forward to justify a conclusion, or to promote or defend a particular point of view.
General Knowledge
General Knowledge questions may address a range of cultural topics, including aspects of literary, historical,