According to Immanuel Kant, author of the book Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone, “Although we are radically free and are inclined by good, we are also, by nature, inclined toward evil” (Kant 43). Defined by Merriam-Webster, evil is “profoundly immoral and malevolent.” With such a great amount of people being naturally drawn to evil, it is present through various scenarios. Due to the fact that evil varies on a wide range, the perpetrators of the 1999 Columbine High School shooting can be compared to Ralph and Jack in Lord of the Flies, especially since their need to make a statement revealed a primitive, animalistic side.
When determining if something or someone is evil or not, one must concentrate on the intentions and desires. In order to truly understand evil, first, the origin must be discovered. It is said in the book of John 3:8, "The devil sinneth from the beginning.” From this quote, it is inferred that the sole cause of evil is the devil. According to Abrahamic beliefs, good is the opposite of evil and in the end will always triumph. However, this can produce skepticism due to the fact that evil can obtain so much. To achieve the status of being truly evil, a person must fully understand their intentions. They must be able to conclude that their cruel desires are, in the end, for the “greater good,” meaning that no matter what the cost, the results must be achieved. As for the Columbine High School shooting of 1999, the two perpetrators understood what it would take to reach the desired outcome, which in this case was the killing of innocent lives. In all
Banh 2 cases concerning evil, an aspiration and a sense of …show more content…
Ralph and Jack yearned to make a statement that relates to the topic of revolution and control, much similar to the Columbine shooters.
In the end, the power that came from the need to make a statement, fueled both pairs’ desires and pushed them even more towards their ideas of