are a drain on our economy, but actually, they added two trillion dollars to GDP in 2016. Undocumented immigrates pay 11.7 billion dollars in taxes, which is a positive impact on our country. As far as immigrates being rapist and murders, males ages 18 to 49 are one-half to one-fifth less likely to commit a crime, according to the New York Times. I believe immigrates care about the U.S. and many are coming to the U.S. to flee violence and poverty. We should accept these people, and make the process of becoming a U.S. citizen faster. Give these people the opertunity to be citizens, so they can live a legal life in their country.
are a drain on our economy, but actually, they added two trillion dollars to GDP in 2016. Undocumented immigrates pay 11.7 billion dollars in taxes, which is a positive impact on our country. As far as immigrates being rapist and murders, males ages 18 to 49 are one-half to one-fifth less likely to commit a crime, according to the New York Times. I believe immigrates care about the U.S. and many are coming to the U.S. to flee violence and poverty. We should accept these people, and make the process of becoming a U.S. citizen faster. Give these people the opertunity to be citizens, so they can live a legal life in their country.