Drones are known as male bees but lately, United States have planned of using drones in their war fares, which are unmanned aircraft that are controlled by human beings using a computer program, thinking that it will avoid human casualties and it will help them in war missions and objectives. In this paper, we will explain why the usage of drones in wars is an immoral act. Immorality is a state of being in a conflict with the generally or traditionally held moral principles. Moral principles are those standards on when shall we to say that an act is right or wrong. In setting those standards, we used the theory of Utilitarianism, whose purpose of morality is to make the world a better place and is concerned about producing good consequences and not on having good intentions. People set standards to determine if an act is right or wrong, and that is the law. The law exemplifies, forbids and justifies. Some examples on how different laws incorporated with Utilitarianism are executed are as follows: If imprisoned, you are judged to be guilty of your deed, and with our thinking, when a person is guilty and imprisoned, he did an immoral act. Killing a dangerous yet an endangered animal can make you imprisoned for months or even years, Killing a widely known criminal can still result to lifetime imprisonment and when it is a number of people, it may result to capital punishment, and etc.
War is a conflict between two or more group of people, starting from someone’s pain cultivated and shared to others. Releasing it would be destruction, thus, resulting to a war. With these, we can conclude that it started from immorality. In war, we cannot avoid disorder, human casualties, and a lot of disturbances; there would be noises, screams, loud cries and shouts of pain. There would not be a fair fight when drones are used. There is a man controlling the drones far away from the battle grounds with his life at less risk while his