Impact of Culture on Entrepreneur Intention
Syed Imran Sajjad1, *Haroon Shafi1, Aasim Munir Dad2 1Iqra university Islamabad campus 2University of Science and Technology (MUST) Mirpur Azad Kashmir, Pakistan * Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to identify the role of entrepreneurship in Pakistan. After reviewing the literature, researchers identify those predictors who influence the entrepreneur’s intention with the help of socio cognitive model. National culture of a country influences the entrepreneur’s intention to start new business. Perceived feasibility, perceived desirability and entrepreneurs experience has a direct impact on entrepreneur’s intention. The study finds out the impact of culture on entrepreneur intention, different cultures have different ways to influence the entrepreneur intention and different ways to impact on intentions towards perceived feasibility and perceived desirability .The study helps entrepreneur’s decision making process and also helps out the development of further new business in Pakistan, motivates students to become entrepreneurs and analyzes their feasibility and desirability. Culture varies from country to country, within country different provinces, how different cultures, different traditions, norms and values. So in future, it helps to analyze entrepreneur’s intention in different cultures. Key words: Pakistan’s society, Entrepreneurship, entrepreneur’s experience, culture 1. Introduction Entrepreneur is an individual who runs a business with new idea or adding value in existing idea entrepreneur is a creator, risk taker who brings change in environment, with the help of technology, effective organization trained employees, and gets maximum benefit. A good leader is that, who manage all these activities on continuous bases. This is the study of an individual who starts new business. In this
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